Lee Vidor Signature


Google Wave For Famous Artists

Original Source Of The Shakespeare-X Message.


The Famous Artists Wave isn't running yet.

I know you're anxious to hear what Richter and Koons and Hirst and Lucien Freud have to say to Lee Vidor about art and everything else in the world, but be patient.

The invitations haven't been sent out yet because I'm already in a war with two fronts, and opening a third would be pretty foolish.

But I haven't forgotten the artists wave.

If you are Koons or Hirst or Richter, or another major artist with something to say, then contact me here to receive an invitation to join me for live cocktails. I'll send your invitation via your gallery.

The Artists Wave will operate similarly to the Writers Wave, which you can see here, when it's operating:

Writers Wave.

The idea is simply to hang out and have some fun and inspiring discussion. No drugs will be served. So don't ask.

But it'll be a bunch of friends meeting up and laughing outrageously, despite the horror of everything.

So don't miss it. When it comes.




Lee Vidor Signature


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